The Living Dead: On the Strange Persistence of Zombie International Relations « The Disorder Of Things

Kafka, Huxley and Orwell used speculative work to highlight complex political issues which went unaddressed by standard genres. The best academic work in this field does this too, using non-traditional themes and issues as imaginative sources by which to open up fields of enquiry. Michael ShapiroCynthia WeberJutta WeldesIver NeumannChina Miéville and others focus on big, important issues: power and the production of knowledge; identity and representation; the blurriness of reality and fiction. In contrast, Drezner’s book serves up the same old stories, told by the same old theories. By the end of the book, I was not even sure how much he knew about zombies, at least not beyond the recent vogue for Anglo-American books and films on the subject.

via The Living Dead: On the Strange Persistence of Zombie International Relations « The Disorder Of Things.

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